The Power of Pinterest

The #1 driver of traffic to my blog’s website? Pinterest. Not organic traffic. Certainly not paid traffic. Pinterest.

Pinterest is one of the most powerful search engines next to Google and YouTube. Whether you’re searching for a DIY project or travel inspiration, you are one of 459 million monthly active users who use the platform (Hootsuite, March 2021). WOW! Is your product or service showing up when potential customers search within Pinterest?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The easiest way to increase the number pins, repins, and account followers on Pinterest is to use the social media scheduling tool, Tailwind, for a humble subscription fee paid once per year. Not only can you design pins within Tailwind, but you can schedule them in one place to push out peak times of the day. For example, while I’m working on another project or on vacation, Tailwind is publishing pins that link back to my website for me! It’s a simple as setting aside an hour a week to schedule pinnable content and then I sit back and watch the profile performance increase.

Every business should be on Pinterest. It’s a key driver of traffic back to your website’s pages, which in turn, increases brand awareness and converts to sales. Once website visitors read your dynamic content, they’ll be inspired to reach out for more information or click to make an online sale.

Pinterest is free to use, so at the very least you should be posting content to it when you roll out a new product, service, or publish a blog post. Unsure if your business is the right fit for the platform or perhaps you simply don’t have the time and resources to devote to building your Pinterest presence? Don’t miss your chance to reach a larger audience. Email me to provide strategy and know-how:

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